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5 tips to practice your pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test

by IDP IELTS India 19 August, 2023

Distinguishing between similar-sounding words like "sheep" or "ship," "fan" or "van," "dessert" or "desert," and "sixty" or "sixteen" can be a challenge for English learners. However, practicing pronunciation is crucial for success in the Speaking test. Being perfect in pronunciation in English can be a challenging task, as it includes various elements such as word stress, sentence stress, short vowels, long vowels, and more. However, developing accurate and clear pronunciation is essential for excelling in the Speaking test. It's worth noting that 25% of your Speaking test score is attributed to pronunciation, as highlighted in the public band descriptors.

With this in mind, we will explore five effective strategies that you can use to practice and enhance your pronunciation skills, ensuring you are well-prepared for your upcoming Speaking test. By implementing these techniques, you can make significant progress in refining your pronunciation abilities and maximizing your overall performance.

5 tips to practice your pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test

Tip 1: Take your practice outdoors

If your IELTS preparation is primarily confined to indoor and online settings, it's time to explore a more immersive approach to improve your pronunciation. While these methods have their merits, nothing compares to the power of speaking English extensively. Take your preparation out into the real world and engage in conversations.

Use your language skills while discussing grammar concepts when talking to someone. Immerse yourself in English by exclusively consuming news through English media. Moreover, make the most of public spaces and conversations with people. The key principle is simple: the more you speak English, the more refined your pronunciation will become.

Tip 2: Practice pronouncing sounds that don't exist in your native language

Some languages include sounds that are absent in other languages. In Japan, for example, the sounds 'I' and 'R' are indistinguishable. As a result, many Japanese individuals have difficulty pronouncing words in which these letters are interchangeable, such as 'lice' and 'rice.' Similarly, Arabic speakers may find it challenging to differentiate between the 'B' and 'P' sounds since they are similar. The key to overcoming these pronunciation difficulties is to identify the sounds missing from your native language and practice pronouncing them.

Tip 3: Use karaoke to improve pronunciation

Karaoke is a fun activity that can help improve your English pronunciation. Singing along to English songs with friends can help you develop correct intonation and stress, bringing life and spirit to your speaking. Additionally, this activity can improve your grammar, vocabulary, and listening skills. So next time you're at Karaoke, choose an English song and practice your pronunciation to boost your IELTS listening skills.

Tip 4: Practice, practice, practice for pronunciation perfection

Just as repeating exercises at the gym can strengthen and coordinate your muscles, practicing English can enhance your spoken language skills. While repetition may sound dull, including repetition drills in your study routine can significantly improve your pronunciation.

Discover a pronunciation app that offers enjoyable sound practice and choose a silent room where you can repeat sounds as often as you want, even loudly. Consider it your "pronunciation workout," which can help you achieve your speaking goals.

Tip 5: Utilise visualisation to improve your pronunciation skills

Visualisation is a powerful tool for learning, and it has been proven effective by top university students and Olympic athletes. But what exactly is visualisation? It involves using your imagination to mentally rehearse a task before actually performing it. For instance, a soccer player might envision herself scoring a goal before a match.

This technique can also be applied to improve your pronunciation. Speaking a language involves using specific muscles in your mouth and throat. By visually representing these muscles and how they produce sounds, you can train your mouth to articulate words more accurately.

There are several pronunciation apps available that offer interactive diagrams and animations to help you visualize the muscle movements involved in speaking. These resources can be found by searching for terms like "pronunciation," "speech diagram," "ESL articulation," and "English pronunciation muscles" on your preferred search engine. With regular practice, you can improve your pronunciation and communicate more effectively in English.

By implementing these five pronunciation tips, you can enhance your pronunciation skills and communicate more effectively in the IELTS Speaking test. A significant improvement in your pronunciation can bring you closer to achieving your desired band score, which is crucial for fulfilling your work, study, or migration objectives.