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IELTS Speaking test - Is your accent important

by IDP IELTS India 25 August, 2023

Everyone has their own way of speaking English which is called an accent. People from different countries like Australia, Ireland, and America all speak English well, but they have different accents. When you take the IELTS Speaking test, the examiners are experienced language teachers who are trained to assess your spoken English, not your accent. They are used to hearing different accents and are prepared for that.

In the IELTS Speaking test, there is a common misconception that accent plays a significant role in determining one's score. However, that is not true, it is important to clarify that accent is not a key factor that examiners evaluate. Instead, the focus is on pronunciation, which involves the clear and accurate articulation of words. The IELTS Speaking test aims to assess a candidate's ability to communicate effectively, regardless of their accent. As long as your pronunciation is clear and understandable, the specific accent you possess does not impact your overall score.

Does your accent really matter in the IELTS Speaking test?

In the Speaking test, your performance is judged based on four criteria. One of these criteria is pronunciation, which counts for 25% of your score. It means how clearly you say words is very important. If the examiner has trouble understanding you because you say words incorrectly or stress them in unusual ways, you might get a lower score because it makes communication difficult and leads to misunderstandings.

4 tips to improve your pronunciation for the IELTS test

Your accent can affect how you stress words, use intonation, and speak rhythmically. Therefore, let’s look at some tips to help you speak more clearly so that the examiner can understand you better.

1. Focus on stress

When you speak English, you use stress to help get your point across and express your thoughts. In the Speaking test, your ability to communicate in English is evaluated, and an important part of being understood is using stress effectively.

Stress can be used to highlight important words or to compare and contrast things you're talking about.

For example:

You might say, "I used to love watching TV, but now I hate it. I only use the TV to watch Netflix." By stressing certain words, you make your meaning clearer.

Your accent can affect how you pronounce individual sounds and words. It's important to stress words correctly so that their meaning is not confused. If we stress the wrong syllable in a word, it can change the meaning entirely.

For example:

"Record" as a verb means something different than "record" as a noun.

If the examiner has difficulty understanding you because you mispronounce words or use unusual stress patterns, your score may be lower because your meaning becomes unclear. So, using stress correctly is very important.

2. Start using intonation

Intonation refers to how your voice goes up and down when you speak. It's important to use your voice to help express meaning.

When we ask a question, our voice usually goes up at the end of the sentence. It's like the way we use question marks in writing. When we finish a statement, our voice goes down, which helps with communication because it signals that the speaker is ending a sentence. If you speak without any changes in your voice, it will sound dull and lacking expression, and examiners might have difficulty understanding what you're trying to say.

3. Use rhythm

Rhythm is an important aspect of speaking English. It helps you communicate at the right speed and express yourself. Just like when you sing a song and use rhythm, phrasing, and stress to convey your feelings, the same applies to speaking English.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Speak clearly and at a natural pace. Stress the important words or those that highlight or contrast the ideas you want to express
  • Speak in meaningful phrases and avoid giving one-word answers. Instead, provide complete thoughts
  • Avoid speaking too slowly, as it can make it difficult for others to follow what you're saying
  • Don't speak too quickly either, as it can make it hard for people to understand you
4. Just be yourself!

When preparing for the IELTS Speaking test, focus on the pronunciation aspects that can help you get a higher score. Here are some tips:

  • Speak clearly and at a natural pace. Stress the important words or those that highlight or contrast your ideas
  • Speak in meaningful phrases instead of just saying single words
  • Change the pitch of your voice and try to imitate the way English sounds in everyday situations, like on TV, in movies, or on the bus
  • Speak at a normal speed, not too fast or too slow
  • Speak in a way that others can understand you

Don't worry too much about your accent. If you can clearly communicate your ideas to the examiner and apply the tips above, you will be able to get the Speaking score that you desire.

Remember, we all, including examiners, speak with different accents. Try getting familiar with various accents by watching English news programs, movies, and TV shows, listening to podcasts, or tuning in to English radio.

Additionally, if you want to know more about the IELTS test, you can visit your nearest IDP IELTS test centres.