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How to effectively paraphrase in the IELTS Writing section

by IDP IELTS India 14 August, 2023

In the IELTS Writing section, paraphrasing plays a vital role in showcasing your language proficiency and ability to restate information accurately. Effective paraphrasing not only demonstrates your understanding of the given prompts and sources but also helps to enhance the coherence and cohesion of your essay. By employing various techniques such as synonyms, restructuring sentence patterns, and altering word forms, you can successfully convey the same meaning while presenting your ideas in a fresh and original manner. This guide aims to provide you with valuable tips and strategies to master the art of paraphrasing in the IELTS Writing section, enabling you to express yourself fluently and impressively.

Six things to learn to paraphrase effectively in the IELTS Writing section

Mastering the art of effective paraphrasing involves several key steps that are crucial for enhancing your language skills. This blog outlines six essential tasks that will aid you in becoming proficient in the art of paraphrasing.

By following these steps, you can refine your ability to restate information accurately and coherently, enabling you to excel in expressing ideas in your own unique way:

1. Embrace synonyms for originality and avoid plagiarism

Synonyms encompass distinct words that convey identical meanings. For instance, 'currency' serves as a synonym for 'money' or 'funds,' while 'weary' acts as a synonym for 'tired' or 'exhausted.'

Through the utilisation of synonyms, you can proficiently substitute a series of words with alternative choices without altering the fundamental essence of the sentence. It is crucial to employ words that possess identical meanings rather than merely resembling them, as this can result in penalties during assessments.

Consider the following sentence:
  • We are heading to Disneyland for a well-deserved holiday
This can be readily transformed into:
  • We are traveling to Disney for our well-earned vacation

The key lies in ensuring that the meaning remains unaltered, and it is essential to employ only those words with which you are completely familiar, enabling you to achieve a high score without the risk of being penalised.

2. Redefining meaning through word order alteration

One crucial skill in the art of paraphrasing is the ability to modify the word order within a sentence. This entails adding or omitting words, as well as substituting specific words with alternatives.

Consider the following sentence:
  • We are famished and would like to quickly head to the Chinese Restaurant for dinner
You can alter the word order as follows:
  • We are rushing towards the Chinese restaurant for dinner because we are famished

While rearranging the word order, it is imperative to ensure that the resulting sentence maintains grammatical coherence and remains free of errors. Furthermore, you can enhance the effectiveness of your paraphrasing by incorporating synonyms into the process.

3. Enhancing paraphrasing through word form variation

An effective technique for paraphrasing sentences involves altering the form of words. This can be achieved by interchanging nouns with verbs or verbs with adjectives interchangeably.

Consider the following example:
  • Many children are terrified of entering the spooky house alone during Halloween
You can paraphrase the sentence by modifying the word forms of 'entering', 'terrified', 'spooky', and 'alone'.
  • Many children lack the courage to venture into the frightful-looking house unaccompanied on Halloween

By manipulating word forms, you not only demonstrate your adaptability in the English language but also exhibit a profound vocabulary, enabling you to achieve higher scores in your Writing assessment.

4. Transitioning from active to passive voice for enhanced writing skills

A valuable skill in tackling the discursive essay and engaging with diverse perspectives during the IELTS Writing test is the ability to seamlessly shift between active and passive voice.

This can be effortlessly achieved by identifying the direct object within a sentence and relocating it to the sentence's beginning while eliminating the action and modifying the verb's form.

For instance:
  • Most of the students are reading the magazines
You can transform this sentence into a passive voice by placing 'magazines' at the start of the sentence, removing the action of reading, and adjusting the verb's form.
  • The magazines are being read by most of the students

Mastering the art of transitioning from active to passive voice showcases your proficiency in writing and adds depth to your linguistic repertoire, thereby leading to improved performance in the IELTS Writing test.

5. Restructuring sentences for effective paraphrasing

A powerful technique for paraphrasing involves altering the structure of a sentence while preserving its core meaning.

Consider the following example:
  • Many students struggle in their tests because they do not put in the hard work and practice enough

You can observe that the sentence consists of two clauses: "Many students struggle in their tests" and "because they do not put in the hard work and practice enough."

To rephrase the sentence, simply interchange the order and modify certain word forms to achieve a more natural flow.
  • The main reasons why students struggle in their tests are not working hard and not practicing enough

While the meaning of the sentence remains intact, the structure has been transformed. By skilfully adjusting sentence structures, you demonstrate your aptitude for paraphrasing while retaining the intended message.

6. Embark on paraphrasing with sample tests

A remarkable approach to commence your paraphrasing journey is by practicing directly on sample tests. Engaging with actual test materials not only enables you to refine your skills in fixed sentences but also empowers you to master the art of paraphrasing.

By attempting timed writing exercises using authentic sample test topics, you will swiftly grasp the art of rephrasing both your own ideas and the information provided. This immersive experience will propel your progress exponentially.

By immersing yourself in the practical application of paraphrasing within a time-constrained environment, you will make significant strides in honing your skills and achieving remarkable improvement.

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