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IELTS model bar chart: Achieve the perfect 9-band score

by IDP IELTS India 05 August, 2023

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognised examination that assesses an individual's English language proficiency for academic and work purposes. One of the key components of the IELTS exam is the Academic Writing task, which often includes interpreting and describing graphical data. In this IELTS model bar chart, we will explore the necessary techniques and strategies to achieve the highest band score of 9 when interpreting and presenting data from bar graphs.

By understanding the key features of bar graphs, using appropriate language and organisational techniques, and demonstrating a high level of coherence and accuracy, you can enhance your writing skills and maximise your chances of obtaining an outstanding score in the IELTS exam.

What is a model bar chart task in the IELTS test?

In the IELTS test, the model bar graph task 1 is a component of the Academic Writing module. It involves interpreting and describing data presented in the form of a bar chart. An IELTS bar chart is a graphical representation of information where data is depicted using rectangular bars of different lengths. The model bar chart task requires test takers to analyse the data, identify trends, make comparisons, and present a clear and cohesive written response based on the information provided in the chart.

This task assesses a candidate's ability to accurately interpret and effectively communicate information, as well as their proficiency in using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. It allows examiners to evaluate a candidate's analytical and descriptive writing skills within a limited time frame.

Sample of IELTS bar chart task question with answer

Here is an IELTS bar chart sample question with answers for your reference:

Sample answers for band 5 and band 6:

Examiner comment for band 5

There is a good attempt to describe the overall trends, but the content would have been greatly improved if the candidate had included some data from the graph to support the description. Without these, the reader is lacking some important information. The answer is quite difficult to follow and there are some punctuation errors that cause confusion. The structures are fairly simple and efforts to produce more complex sentences are not successful.

Examiner comment for band 6

The candidate has made a good attempt to describe the graphs looking at global trends and more detailed figures. There is, however, some inaccurate information given when extending the main points and this impacts task achievement (when referring to the decline or increase in the proportion of male students). The answer flows quite smoothly although connectives are overused or inappropriate, and some of the points do not link up well. The language used to describe the trends is generally appropriate and the grammatical structures show some flexibility.

10 tips to excel in the IELTS model bar chart task for beginners

If you're looking for tips to approach the IELTS bar graph task 1 for beginners, here are some helpful tips that will help you approach the same:

  • Understand the task requirements: Begin by thoroughly understanding the instructions and what is expected of you in the task. Pay attention to the key details, such as the time period, data categories, and any specific comparisons or trends you need to address.
  • Study bar graph vocabulary: Familiarise yourself with common vocabulary related to bar graphs. Learn words and phrases that describe trends (increase, decrease, fluctuate), comparisons (higher, lower, similar), and proportions (the largest, the smallest, a significant portion). This will enable you to accurately describe and interpret the data in the graph.
  • Analyse the graph carefully: Take your time to examine the bar graph closely. Identify the main categories or variables represented by the bars, along with the relevant axis labels. Pay attention to any labels, titles, or legends that provide additional information. Look for notable patterns, variations, or outliers in the data.
  • Start with an overview: Begin your response with a brief summary of the main features of the graph. Highlight the highest and lowest values, significant trends, and any noteworthy comparisons or patterns you observe. This overview sets the context for the detailed analysis that follows.
  • Organise your response: Structure your writing in a logical and organised manner. Start with an introduction that paraphrases the task statement and presents an overview. Then, develop your body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the graph (e.g., comparisons between categories or trends over time). Finally, provide a conclusion that summarises the key findings from your analysis.
  • Support with specific data: As you describe the information from the graph, support your statements with specific data points or figures. Refer to the bars, categories, or specific time periods mentioned in the graph. This adds credibility to your analysis and demonstrates your ability to extract relevant information accurately.
  • Use appropriate grammar and sentence structure: Ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and properly structured. Practice using comparative and descriptive language to effectively convey the information from the graph.
  • Practice time management: Practice writing within the given time limit to improve your time management skills. Allocate enough time for analysing the graph, planning your response, writing your paragraphs, and reviewing your work. Aim to complete the task within the recommended time to build confidence and improve your overall performance.
  • Seek feedback and practice: Share your writing with a teacher, tutor, or proficient English speaker who can provide feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement. Practice writing multiple sample bar graph tasks to enhance your skills in interpreting and describing different types of data.
  • Review and revise: Set aside a few minutes at the end to review your response. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or inconsistencies. Make sure your writing flows smoothly and effectively communicates your ideas.

By following these tips and consistently practicing, you can build your confidence and skills in tackling the IELTS bar graph task as a beginner. Remember to focus on understanding the task, using appropriate vocabulary, organising your response, and supporting your analysis with specific data from the graph.