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Why are my IELTS results delayed?

by IDP IELTS India 17 August, 2023

After completing your IELTS exam, you eagerly waited for 13 days, only to receive an unexpected email on the 13th day, stating that your results are being withheld. Naturally, you are left wondering how such a situation could arise. In this scenario, our foremost suggestion is to promptly get in touch with the test centre, either via email or phone. It's crucial to bear in mind that when you applied for the IELTS and filled out the application form, there were attached terms and conditions. These terms and conditions include three important points that highlight the possibility of your results being withheld or even cancelled.

Explanation of Terms and Conditions

Under the terms and conditions, the following points are outlined:

  • Delayed Result Review: In certain cases, the IELTS test partners may decide to conduct a thorough review of your test or its administration, which may result in a delay of issuing your results after the standard 13-day period. To facilitate this investigation, you may be requested to provide writing and speaking samples. In exceptional circumstances, you might also be required to retake specific components of the IELTS.

    Explanation: This means that if the test partners deem it necessary to conduct a more detailed examination of your test or how it was administered, your results may not be released within the usual 13-day timeframe. This is commonly done for quality control purposes or to address any concerns. In such instances, you might be asked to provide additional writing and speaking samples for further assessment. In exceptional cases, you may need to retake certain parts of the IELTS exam.

  • Result Cancellation due to Irregularities: Even after your results have been issued, there is a possibility that they may be cancelled if any irregularity is discovered. In such instances, you may be required to retake specific components of the IELTS.

    Explanation: This means that if any irregularities are found in your test or its administration, your results may be revoked, even after they have been initially provided. The term "irregularity" refers to any unacceptable or unusual incidents related to your test. If this occurs, you may need to retake certain parts of the IELTS exam.

  • Altered Test Report Form (TRF) Data: If any information on the Test Report Form (TRF) submitted by you or your agent to recognised organisations is found to be altered in any way, your original test result may be cancelled.

    Explanation: This implies that if it is discovered that any information provided by you or your agent has been tampered with, your test result may be invalidated. It is crucial to exercise caution when providing your information and ensure that reputable agents are utilised.

Additionally, it is within the rights of IELTS to withhold or cancel your results for the purposes of analysis or quality checks. By signing the application form, you acknowledge and accept the possibility of result delays. Your signature confirms your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions.

If your results are withheld or cancelled, IELTS will notify you via email. In case you do not receive any email, or communication or encounter difficulties accessing your results, please check your spam folder or reach out to the test centre where you took your test for further assistance.

What can you do if your results are delayed?

You can follow these guidelines when you don’t understand why your results are delayed:

  • If your results are delayed, practice patience and maintain a calm outlook
  • There is no fixed time limit for result delays, as the timeframe can vary
  • Some students may receive their results within a week or two, while others may have to wait for a month or even up to three months

Can you retake the test again?

Yes, absolutely! You have the opportunity to retake the test if you wish. This gives you a chance to enhance your preparation and approach the test with improved readiness. To assist you in your preparations, we provide comprehensive study materials on our IDP website, which you can access and utilise to better prepare for your next attempt.

Retaking the test

If waiting for your delayed results is not an option or if you simply prefer not to wait, you have the opportunity to retake the test.

In the event that you decide to take the test multiple times, you will have the freedom to select which set of results to utilise. It is important to note that even if you end up with two sets of results, you can choose to use the highest scores achieved.

Planning the timing of your test

When choosing a suitable date for your IELTS exam, it is advisable to allow several months before your deadline to account for any unforeseen delays that may arise.

Hope this blog has provided you with valuable insights for you to know the reasons behind why results get delayed.

To know more about IELTS and to book your test slot, our team of IELTS experts at IDP is readily available to assist you. You can either contact them directly or visit your nearest IELTS centre.