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Importance of time management in the IELTS test

by IDP IELTS India 12 August, 2023

Effective time management is of utmost importance when tackling the rigorous challenges of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. As a comprehensive assessment of an individual's English language proficiency, the IELTS demands meticulous planning, organisation, and allocation of time to various sections and tasks. Time constraints can induce stress and hinder performance, making it crucial for test takers to master the art of IELTS test time management. By strategically dividing their time, candidates can optimise their productivity, enhance their focus, and maximise their chances of achieving desirable scores in each component of the IELTS exam.

IELTS Reading test: Overview

The IELTS Reading exam comprises a set of 40 questions, skilfully crafted to evaluate a diverse range of reading proficiencies. These encompass the ability to grasp the essence of a text, identify key ideas, comprehend intricate details, skim through content, comprehend logical arguments, and discern the opinions, attitudes, and intentions of authors.

While the question types in the IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic tests may be similar, the reading texts themselves differ between the two. IELTS test time management plays a crucial role during the test, as test-takers are allotted a mere 60 minutes to address all 40 questions.

It is advisable to allocate no more than 20 minutes for each section of the Reading test. However, if the initial passage appears relatively easier, completing it in a shorter duration can grant additional time for answering questions in the subsequent two passages. As the test progresses, the complexity of the passages intensifies, necessitating ample time allocation for tackling the final passage.

IELTS Academic Reading

In the realm of the IELTS Academic Reading component, designed to assess individuals' suitability for university admissions and professional registrations worldwide, the questions posed aim to gauge their proficiency in comprehending academic content. To adequately prepare for the impending test, it is vital to immerse oneself in an assortment of texts encompassing various topics. These texts may include:

  • Books
  • Journals
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers

By familiarising yourself with a diverse range of textual sources, you will develop a heightened ability to focus on the questions associated with each specific text type. This comprehensive approach to reading preparation will equip you with the necessary skills to navigate the intricacies of the IELTS Academic Reading test successfully.

IELTS General Training Reading

Within the realm of the IELTS General Training Reading module, the passages presented derive from sources readily encountered in English-speaking nations during daily life. This section aims to assess your aptitude for comprehending content found in commonplace materials like:

  • Newspapers
  • Advertisements
  • Handbooks
  • Notices

To cultivate a deeper understanding of these text genres, it is highly recommended to utilise our extensive collection of sample questions. By immersing yourself in a diverse range of texts and question formats prior to the examination, you will enhance your readiness, enabling more effective IELTS test time management during the test itself.

Question types (Academic and General Training)

In both the General and Academic Reading tests, you will encounter a diverse range of question types, including:

  • Multiple choice
  • Identifying information
  • Identifying a writer's views/claims
  • Matching information
  • Matching headings
  • Matching features
  • Matching sentence endings
  • Sentence completion
  • Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion
  • Diagram label completion
  • Short-answer questions

Efficient time management is essential to effectively tackle the varied question types within the allocated 60 minutes of the IELTS Reading test. To optimise your performance, consider the following guidance on how to effectively manage your time during the examination.

Importance of time management in the IELTS exam

Time management plays an important role in the successful execution of the IELTS exam. With its strict time limits and multiple sections to cover, effective time management is essential for achieving desired scores. The IELTS test comprises various components, including Reading, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking each with its allocated time frame.

Failure to manage time efficiently can lead to rushed answers, incomplete responses, and increased stress levels. By implementing effective time management strategies, test-takers can optimise their productivity, maintain focus, and allocate sufficient time to each section. This ensures a balanced approach, allowing for thorough comprehension, thoughtful responses, and overall better performance in the IELTS test.

Furthermore, time management allows candidates to monitor their progress, review answers, and make necessary adjustments within the given time constraints. Ultimately, mastering time management is key to attaining success in the IELTS test and showcasing one's language proficiency to the fullest extent.

Tips to manage time in the IELTS exam

Effective time management is crucial when tackling the IELTS Reading section. To help you optimise your performance, here are valuable tips to manage your time efficiently:

  • Skim through the passage: Instead of reading every sentence in detail, quickly skim through the entire passage to grasp its main points. Focus on headings, subheadings, and key information that will aid you in locating answers later.
  • Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion: The author's viewpoint is often expressed in these sections. By thoroughly reading the introduction and conclusion, you can answer many questions accurately. Afterward, skim through the body of the passage.
  • Identify key words: Spotting key words associated with the passage's concepts is crucial. Underline or highlight these words while skimming through the text. This technique can assist you in answering a majority of the questions.
  • Read all questions before answering: Before delving into answering, take a quick glance at all the questions. Remember that questions appear in groups, so familiarise yourself with the question set. Highlight key information words in the questions, leveraging the already skimmed passage to facilitate finding the answers.
  • Answer every question: Even if you cannot find the exact answer or option, attempt to answer every question. Incorrect answers do not result in negative marking, so make an educated guess to increase your chances of getting it right.
  • Check your answers: Allocate at least 20 minutes to review and check your answers. This step can significantly enhance your IELTS Reading score. Utilise practice materials available on our website to time yourself and perfect your approach.


With proper time management in IELTS preparation and effective dedication, you can conquer the challenges of the IELTS Reading section, ultimately achieving an outstanding score.