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IELTS Reading test – Excel in ‘true, false’, ‘not given’ questions

by IDP IELTS India 20 August, 2023

The IELTS Reading test assesses your ability to comprehend and analyse written texts, and one question type that often challenges test takers is the true, false, not given (TFNG) format. In this question type, you are presented with a series of statements related to the passage you have just read, and you must determine whether each statement is true, false, or if the information is not given in the text. Mastering TFNG questions requires not only strong reading skills but also the ability to carefully evaluate the statements and locate specific details within the passage. By understanding the key strategies and techniques to approach TFNG questions, you can enhance your performance and excel in the IELTS Reading test.

True, false, not given: Locating and identifying specific information

It is important to remember that the true, false, not given question type requires you to locate and identify specific information within the given text. This information will be presented as factual statements. Additionally, the information in the text will follow the order of the questions, meaning that the information needed for the first statement will be found prior to the information for the second statement.

Once you read the provided statement, your task is to determine whether the information helps you decide if the answer is:

  • TRUE: if the statement aligns with the information in the text
  • FALSE: if the statement contradicts the information in the text
  • NOT GIVEN: if there is no information available regarding the statement

Now, how should you approach this question type?

To illustrate, let's examine an extract from a Part 1 text featuring the scientist, Marie Curie.

The life and work of Marie Curie

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics and was then the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics and was then the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

In 1891 this promise was fulfilled, and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne (the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and lived on little more than bread and butter and tea. She came first in the examination in the physical sciences in 1893, and in 1894 was placed second in the examination in mathematical sciences. It was not until the spring of that year that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.

Adapted with permission from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007 by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

Step 1: Familiarise yourself with the question and identify key details

Before reading the passage, it is crucial to examine the set of true, false, and not given questions. In this instance, there are three statements to consider:

  • Marie Curie's husband was a joint winner of both Marie's Nobel Prizes
  • Marie became interested in science when she was a child
  • Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister's financial contribution

Examine each statement carefully, emphasising and marking the significant terms in each one. Concentrate on the essential information that is provided. Key terms include important facts such as names, places, and figures, as well as words that aid in comprehending the focal point of the question, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

To illustrate, in the first statement, you can see that Marie’s husband was a joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes. So, underline and highlight the most important information that helps you look for the answer. We have done this for each statement: Marie Curie's husband was a joint winner of both Marie's Nobel Prizes.

  • Marie Curie's husband was a joint winner of both Marie's Nobel Prizes
  • Marie became interested in sciencewhen she was a child
  • Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister's financial contribution

Step 2: Scan the text for relevant keywords

Once you have identified and highlighted the keywords and information, proceed to examine the text and swiftly scan for the same words or words that carry similar meanings (synonyms). For instance, while reading statement 1, keep in mind the words that can assist in determining whether Marie's husband was a joint winner of her two Nobel Prizes. Remember that 'both' signifies two.

For statement 1, consider the following words and their synonyms: husband, Mr. Curie, both, one, two, second, twice, together with her husband, without her husband, on her own, independently.

Observe the text and identify words that pertain to this statement. You will encounter the word 'sole,' which means 'only' and describes Marie as the solitary individual involved in winning her second Nobel Prize.

For example:

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics and was then the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Statement 1: Read attentively and plan your answer

"Marie Curie’s husband was a joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes."

After highlighting the keywords and information in the text, carefully read the highlighted sentences to determine if they align with or oppose the statement.

Specifically, check whether Pierre Curie was a joint winner of both of Marie’s prizes.

For example:

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics and was then the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

You can check for the following facts:
  • Marie was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize
  • With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics
  • She was then the sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

The answer is FALSE as Pierre Curie was a joint winner with one of her Nobel Prizes (1903), she was a 'sole' winner for the other (1911) - the 'only' winner.

Statement 2: Read attentively and plan your answer

"Marie became interested in science when she was a child."

When you search the text for the keywords underlined in the question, you should look for information that tells us that she loved science (interested) from an early age (a child). So, the focus here is to see if Marie Curie was actually interested in the subject of science when she was a child.

For statement 2, think of these words and synonyms: interested in science, subject of science, science classes, school science, child, childhood, at school, young girl.

Look at the text and check the words that relate to this statement.

For example:

From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because her father lost his...

You can check for the following facts:
  • as a child she had a great memory
  • at 16 she won a gold medal for her secondary education

These are the only facts related to her childhood, there is no mention of science, or her interest in this subject when she was a child, so because there is no information, the answer must be NOT GIVEN.

You cannot assume that she was always interested in science as she won Nobel prizes for science. You must not use knowledge that you already have to answer this type of question, you can only use the information given to you in the text.

Statement 3: Read attentively and plan your answer

"Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister’s financial contribution."

When you search the text to find the reason why Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne, you should look for keywords related to this. An important keyword here is ‘because’ as a reason will follow this conjunction.

For statement 3, think of these words and synonyms: money, afford, expensive, Sorbonne, university, sister, father, husband, education, finance, financial, paid, payment, contribution, contribute, give, help.

Look at the text and check words that relate to this statement.

For example:

From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because her father lost his savings through bad investment, she then had to take work as a teacher. From her earnings, she was able to finance her sister Bronia's medical studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to get an education. In 1891 this promise was fulfilled, and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne (the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and lived on little...

You can check for the following facts:
  • Her father lost his savings through bad investment
  • She then had to take work as a teacher
  • She was able to finance(pay for) her sister Bronia's medical studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to get an education
  • In 1891 this promise was fulfilled, and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne

We read that Marie could attend the Sorbonne because her sister paid for her education. When we scan the text, we read that her father lost his money (savings), so Marie worked as a teacher. We see the keyword 'finance' and see that Marie helped her sister with her medical studies. We then read that her sister would later help Marie to get an education. This was a promise, or in other words, an understanding.

Reference words can also help with finding key information, for example, ‘this’ in 'this promise', refers to the promise to pay for Marie's education.

So, Marie went to the Sorbonne because Bronia paid for it. The answer is TRUE.

To develop your proficiency in this question type, it is important to engage in a regular practice of reading exercises and comprehend the reasons behind labeling choices as true, false, or not given. Acquire the skill of highlighting keywords that aid in comprehending the text and the question statements. By following these blog tips, you will likely gain confidence in accurately responding to 'true,' 'false,' and 'not given' statements.