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US universities accepting only IELTS scores for MS

by IDP IELTS India 6 Sep, 2023

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a popular language proficiency test for international students who want to study at the top universities in the US. Different programs may accept different IELTS scores, and many students have taken the IELTS test for various programs. When registering for the IELTS test, you can send your test scores to IELTS-accepting universities in the US without any extra charge.

However, the minimum IELTS score required by universities in the US varies depending on the program you choose. If you want to learn more about the top universities in the US that accept IELTS scores and their respective score requirements, continue reading this blog for more information.

Importance of IELTS score for admission in the US universities

The IELTS score is of significant importance for international students seeking admission to universities in the US. Here are reasons why it is important to have an IELTS test score when planning to study in the US:

  1. English proficiency assessment: The IELTS score serves as an important measure of your English language proficiency. US universities use this score to ensure that students can effectively communicate and succeed in an English-speaking academic environment.
  2. Admission requirements: Many US universities have specific minimum IELTS score requirements for international applicants. Meeting these score requirements is often a mandatory part of the admission process.
  3. Visa applications: A good IELTS score is also essential for getting a student visa to study in the US. immigration authorities often require proof of English proficiency as part of the visa application process.
  4. Program eligibility: Certain academic programs, especially those with a language-intensive curriculum, may have higher IELTS score requirements. Achieving the required score allows students to qualify for their desired courses.
  5. Scholarship opportunities: Some US universities offer scholarships to international students, and a strong IELTS score can increase the chances of receiving financial assistance.
  6. Course placement: Universities may use IELTS scores to determine the appropriate English language course level for incoming students. This ensures students are placed in classes that match their language proficiency level.

Top universities accepting only IELTS scores in the US

In the USA, several universities accept IELTS scores for admission. However, it's essential to review the official university websites to verify the minimum IELTS score required by each university before applying. Below, we have compiled a list of the top IELTS-accepting universities in the USA for international students:

Universities Required IELTS score
Arizona State University 6.0
Washington University in State Louis 6.5
Rochester Institute of Technology 6.5
Colorado State University 6.0
Saint Louis University 6.5
The University of Texas at Arlington 6.5
Pace University 7.0
University of New Haven 7.5
Iowa State University 6.0
Northeastern University 7.0

*Minimum IELTS score accepted in the universities, the requirement may vary with the course

Top IELTS accepting universities for MS in the US

Here are the top universities that accept IELTS scores for an MS course in the US. Also, the IELTS score requirements vary depending on the university requirements. You can consider these universities if you are planning to study MS courses in the US:

University Required IELTS score
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7.5
Stevens Institute of Technology 6.5
California State University 6.0
University of Bridgeport 6.5
Boston University 7.0
University of Cincinnati 6.5
University of North Texas 6.5
Oklahoma University 6.5
James Madison University 6.5
Washington State University 7.0

If you are planning to study MS courses in the US, you can apply to any of these top universities that have the best education system. Also, to know more about the IELTS test, you can visit your nearest IDP IELTS test centres.

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