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Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

by IDP IELTS India 23 July, 2023

Know everything about Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a wide range of essential vocabulary that will help you excel in the IELTS Speaking test. Whether you are a beginner looking to enhance your basic language skills or an advanced learner aiming to expand your lexical repertoire, this resource is designed to equip you with the tools you need to express yourself fluently and confidently in the speaking section of the IELTS exam. From everyday topics to academic subjects, cultural discussions to current affairs, this guide will provide you with an extensive collection of words and phrases to help you articulate your ideas effectively and impress the examiners. Let's dive in and unlock the power of language together!

Key Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Here are some vocabulary words that can be useful for the IELTS Speaking test. Remember to practice using these words in context and understand their meanings, as using them appropriately will enhance your speaking ability in the IELTS test.

Vocabulary for alphabet A

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Adept Adept or knowledgeable in a specific endeavour or area of expertise.
  • She is adept at solving complex mathematical problems.
  • He is an adept programmer who can code complex software applications.
Alleviate To make something less severe or alleviate a problem.
  • Taking pain medication can alleviate headache symptoms.
  • The government implemented measures to alleviate poverty in the region.

Vocabulary for alphabet B

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Bolster Logical and well-organised; easy to understand.
  • The company hired more staff to bolster its customer support team.
  • Research findings bolster the argument for stricter environmental regulations.
Breakthrough A significant development or achievement.
  • The scientist made a breakthrough in cancer research.
  • After years of experimentation, the company finally had a breakthrough in the development of a new technology that could revolutionise the industry.

Vocabulary for alphabet C

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Coherent Logical and well-organised; easy to understand.
  • The professor gave a coherent lecture on quantum physics.
  • The essay had a clear and coherent structure, with well-developed arguments.
Comprehend To understand or grasp the meaning of something.
  • I struggled to comprehend the complex mathematical equation.
  • After carefully analysing the evidence, I was able to comprehend the motive behind the crime.

Vocabulary for alphabet D

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Diverse Showing a variety or range of different things.
  • The university has a diverse student population from different countries.
  • The conference united a wide-ranging assembly of specialists hailing from diverse domains.
Devastating Highly destructive or damaging.
  • The recent earthquake had devastating effects on the region, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
  • The devastating impact of deforestation on wildlife habitats and the environment cannot be overstated.

Vocabulary for alphabet E

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Eloquent Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing.
  • The poet delivered an eloquent recitation of her latest work.
  • The politician delivered an eloquent speech that resonated with the audience.
Exponential Growing rapidly or increasing at an increasingly faster rate.
  • With the advancement of technology, we have witnessed exponential growth in the use of smartphones worldwide.
  • The company's revenue showed an exponential increase after the launch of their innovative product.

Vocabulary for alphabet F

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Facilitate Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing.
  • The new software will facilitate faster data analysis.
  • The organisation provides training programs to facilitate career development.
Flexibility The ability to adapt or change easily in response to different circumstances or situations.
  • Working from home provides flexibility in managing personal and professional commitments.
  • A flexible approach to problem-solving is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment.

Vocabulary for alphabet G

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Globalisation The phenomenon of escalating interconnectedness and interdependence among nations.
  • Globalisation has led to increased cultural exchange between countries.
  • The company expanded its operations internationally due to globalisation.
Generation A group of individuals born and living around the same time, typically sharing similar experiences and characteristics.
  • My grandparents belong to a different generation, and they often talk about how life was different when they were young.
  • Each generation brings its own perspectives and values, shaping the dynamics of society.

Vocabulary for alphabet H

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Hypothesis A proposed explanation or theory based on limited evidence, intended to be tested and proven or disproven.
  • The scientist formulated a hypothesis to explain the observed phenomenon.
  • Researchers conducted experiments to test the hypothesis and validate their findings.
Harmony A state of peaceful coexistence or agreement; the quality of forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
  • The members of the team worked in harmony to complete the project on time.
  • In a musical composition, different instruments come together to create harmony.

Vocabulary for alphabet I

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Innovative Introducing new ideas, methods, or technologies; characterised by originality and creativity.
  • The company's innovative approach to product design has helped them stay ahead of their competitors.
  • Innovative solutions are needed to address the challenges posed by climate change.
Inevitable Certain to happen; unavoidable.
  • Change is inevitable, and it is important to adapt and embrace it.
  • With advancements in automation and artificial intelligence, job transformations are inevitable in many industries.

Vocabulary for alphabet J

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Justify To provide reasons or evidence to support or explain a decision, action, or belief.
  • The student justified his absence from class by presenting a medical certificate.
  • When making a purchase, it is important to justify the expense by considering the quality and value of the product.
Juxtapose To place two or more contrasting ideas, objects, or concepts together for the purpose of comparison or contrast.
  • The artist juxtaposed bright colours with dark shades to create a visually striking painting.
  • The author skilfully juxtaposed the protagonist's optimistic nature with the harsh realities of the world.

Vocabulary for alphabet K

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Keen Showing enthusiasm, eagerness, or a strong interest in something.
  • I am keen on learning new languages and exploring different cultures.
  • Many students are keen to pursue higher education abroad to gain a global perspective and expand their horizons.
Key factor An essential element or aspect that significantly influences a particular outcome or situation.
  • Time management is a key factor in achieving academic success.
  • In the context of environmental conservation, raising awareness among the public is a key factor in promoting sustainable practices.

Vocabulary for alphabet L

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Lethargic Feeling tired, sluggish, or lacking in energy.
  • After a long day of work, I feel lethargic and just want to relax.
  • Lack of sleep can make you feel lethargic and affect your productivity.
Lucrative Producing a great deal of profit or wealth.
  • Investing in real estate can be a lucrative business opportunity.
  • Many people are attracted to the IT industry because of its lucrative career prospects.

Vocabulary for alphabet M

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Mitigate To lessen the severity or impact of something.
  • Planting trees can help mitigate the effects of air pollution.
  • The government implemented measures to mitigate the impact of the economic crisis.
Motivate To provide a reason or incentive to do something; to stimulate interest or enthusiasm.
  • Setting goals can motivate individuals to work hard and achieve success.
  • Rewards and recognition are effective ways to motivate employees and boost their performance.

Vocabulary for alphabet N

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Necessitate To make something necessary or require it.
  • The project will necessitate additional funding.
  • The growing population necessitates the construction of new schools.
Negligible So small or insignificant that it can be disregarded or considered as having no importance.
  • The impact of the new tax policy on the average citizen's income is negligible.
  • Advancements in technology have made communication costs almost negligible.

Vocabulary for alphabet O

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Ongoing Continual or continuous; in progress.
  • The team is currently involved in an ongoing research project.
  • The company's ongoing commitment to innovation sets it apart from competitors.
Optimistic Having a positive outlook or expectation, believing in favorable outcomes.
  • Despite facing challenges, she remains optimistic about her future.
  • An optimistic attitude can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Vocabulary for alphabet P

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Pervasive Widespread and prevalent; existing in every part of something.
  • Social media has become pervasive in our daily lives.
  • The effects of climate change are pervasive, affecting ecosystems worldwide.
Perspective A particular way of viewing or understanding a situation, event, or concept.
  • From my perspective, traveling broadens one's horizons and provides valuable experiences.
  • Studying history allows us to gain different perspectives on past events and their significance.

Vocabulary for alphabet Q

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Quandary A condition of indecision or bewilderment; a challenging predicament.
  • She found herself in a quandary, unsure of which job offer to accept.
  • The company faced a quandary when deciding whether to expand or downsize.
Quota A limited or fixed number or amount of something that is allocated or allowed.
  • The government has set a quota for the number of immigrants allowed to enter the country each year.
  • The company has a sales quota that each employee must meet to receive a bonus.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "Q" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet R

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Resilient Able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
  • The community showed its resilient spirit after the natural disaster.
  • Despite facing setbacks, she remained resilient and continued pursuing her goals.
Relevance The state of being connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
  • When choosing research sources, it is important to consider their relevance to the topic.
  • Education should focus on providing students with skills and knowledge that have real-world relevance.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "R" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet S

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Substantiate To provide evidence or proof for a claim or statement.
  • The research findings substantiate the hypothesis.
  • The lawyer presented evidence to substantiate the client's innocence.
Stimulate To encourage, arouse, or prompt a response or activity.
  • Music can stimulate creativity and enhance productivity.
  • Governments often implement tax incentives to stimulate investment and economic development.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "S" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet T

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Tenacious Persistent and determined; not easily giving up.
  • Despite numerous rejections, he remained tenacious in his job search.
  • The athlete's tenacious determination led to her victory in the race.
Trend A general direction or pattern of change over a period of time.
  • Wearing vintage clothing has become a popular trend among young people.
  • There is a growing trend of people adopting sustainable practices to reduce their environmental footprint.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "T" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet U

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Undermine To weaken or gradually erode the foundation or support of something.
  • The leaked memo undermined trust within the team.
  • Negative comments can undermine a person's self-confidence.
Ubiquitous Present or found everywhere.
  • Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
  • In today's digital age, social media platforms are ubiquitous and widely used.

Vocabulary for alphabet V

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Viable Capable of working or succeeding; practical or feasible.
  • The company needs to develop viable solutions to its financial problems.
  • Solar energy is a viable alternative to traditional power sources.
Versatile Having many different uses or abilities; adaptable.
  • A Swiss Army knife is a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes.
  • She is a versatile actress who can perform in both comedic and dramatic roles.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "V" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet W

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Widespread Existing, happening, or found over a large area or among many people.
  • The use of smartphones has become widespread around the world.
  • There is widespread concern about the impact of climate change on the environment.
Withstand To resist, endure, or remain unaffected by something.
  • The building is designed to withstand strong earthquakes.
  • Her determination and perseverance helped her withstand the challenges she faced.

Please note that the vocabulary words starting with the letter "W" may vary depending on the context and topic of discussion. It's always a good idea to choose words that are commonly used and relevant to the subject being discussed.

Vocabulary for alphabet X

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Xenophobia Fear, dislike, or prejudice against people from other countries or cultures. Xenophobia can hinder social integration and cultural exchange.

Please note that finding a vocabulary starting with the letter "X" that is commonly used in IELTS Speaking may be difficult due to limited options. It's important to focus on learning and using vocabulary that is relevant and commonly used in the context of the IELTS exam.

Vocabulary for alphabet Y

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Yield To produce or provide a result, output, or return.
  • The new farming techniques yielded higher crop yields.
  • Investing in education can yield long-term benefits for individuals and society.

Please note that finding a vocabulary starting with the letter "Y" that is commonly used in IELTS Speaking may be difficult due to limited options. It's important to focus on learning and using vocabulary that is relevant and commonly used in the context of the IELTS exam.

Vocabulary for alphabet Z

Vocabulary Meaning Examples
Zeal Enthusiasm or fervour for something.
  • She tackled her studies with great zeal, always eager to learn.
  • The volunteers worked with zeal to complete the community service project.

Please note that finding a vocabulary starting with the letter "Z" that is commonly used in IELTS Speaking may be difficult due to limited options. It's important to focus on learning and using vocabulary that is relevant and commonly used in the context of the IELTS exam.

Key expressions for utilisation in your IELTS Speaking Examination

Here are the top 20 phrases that can help you score high in the IELTS exam, along with two example sentences for each phrase:

In my opinion...


  • In my opinion, studying abroad provides valuable cultural experiences
  • In my opinion, the government should invest more in renewable energy sources
From my perspective...


  • From my perspective, technology has revolutionised the way we communicate
  • From my perspective, globalisation has both positive and negative impacts on economies
It is widely believed that...


  • It is widely believed that education is the key to success
  • It is widely believed that exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining good health
It is often argued that...


  • It is often argued that social media can negatively impact mental health
  • It is often argued that raising the minimum wage can reduce income inequality
It is evident that...


  • It is evident that climate change is causing more frequent and severe natural disasters
  • It is evident that advancements in technology have transformed various industries
According to recent studies...


  • According to recent studies, a balanced diet is essential for overall well-being
  • According to recent studies, the majority of people prefer online shopping over traditional retail
It can be concluded that...


  • It can be concluded that access to quality education is crucial for societal development
  • It can be concluded that globalisation has facilitated cross-cultural exchange
It is worth noting that...


  • It is worth noting that social media platforms have reshaped the way we communicate
  • It is worth noting that technological innovations have revolutionised the healthcare industry
It is undeniable that...


  • It is undeniable that climate change poses a significant threat to the environment
  • It is undeniable that advancements in artificial intelligence have transformed various sectors
On the one hand...


  • On the one hand, The advent of technology has ushered in increased convenience and efficiency in our daily lives
  • On the one hand, excessive screen time can have adverse effects on children's development
It is crucial to consider...


  • It is crucial to consider the long-term effects of climate change on future generations
  • It is crucial to consider the ethical implications of genetic engineering


  • Furthermore, advancements in renewable energy can help mitigate climate change
  • Furthermore, globalisation has fostered cultural diversity and understanding


  • Moreover, social media platforms have revolutionised the way we share information
  • Moreover, globalisation has facilitated international trade and economic cooperation
In addition...


  • In addition, investing in education yields long-term benefits for individuals and society
  • In addition, technological advancements have improved healthcare outcomes


  • Nevertheless, it is important to address the negative consequences of social media addiction
  • Nevertheless, efforts should be made to minimise the environmental impact of industrialisation


  • Consequently, the rising demand for renewable energy has led to job creation in the sector
  • Consequently, deforestation has resulted in the loss of biodiversity and increased carbon emissions
To sum up...


  • To sum up, education is the foundation for personal and professional growth
  • To sum up, globalisation has brought people from different cultures closer together
In conclusion...


  • In conclusion, the benefits of technology outweigh its drawbacks in our daily lives
  • In conclusion, globalisation has both positive and negative impacts on local economies
To conclude...


  • To conclude, it is crucial for governments to implement policies to combat climate change
  • To conclude, globalisation has reshaped the way we live, work, and interact with others

Vocabulary rich in idiomatic expressions for the IELTS Speaking test

Having a strong command of idiomatic vocabulary can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. Here are some idiomatic expressions and phrases that you can incorporate into your responses:

1. On top of the world: Feeling extremely happy or successful.

2. Get the hang of: To understand or become skilled at something.

3. A piece of cake: Something that is quite easy to do.

4. Nailed it: To be precisely accurate

5. Bend over backward: To make a great effort or sacrifice to help someone.

6. In the blink of an eye: Very quickly or instantly.

7. A blessing in disguise: Something that seems bad or unfortunate but has a beneficial outcome.

8. A breath of fresh air: Something new and refreshing.

9. Let the cat out of the bag: To reveal a secret.

10. Keep your chin up: To remain positive and optimistic in a difficult situation.

11. Put all your eggs in one basket: To rely entirely on one thing, which can be risky.

12. Catch someone's eye: To attract someone's attention.

13. Kill two birds with one stone: To accomplish two things at the same time.

14. Break the ice: To overcome initial shyness or awkwardness.

15. Keep your fingers crossed: To hope for good luck or a positive outcome.

16. See eye to eye: To agree with someone.

17. Pull someone's leg: To playfully banter or jest with someone in a light-hearted manner.

18. The ball is in your court: It is now someone else's turn or responsibility to act.

19. Bite the bullet: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage.

20. By the skin of your teeth: To barely succeed in something.

Remember to use idiomatic expressions judiciously and appropriately, ensuring they fit naturally into your responses. Practice incorporating them into your everyday conversations to become comfortable using them in the IELTS Speaking test.

Tips and tricks for the IELTS Speaking test

Here are some tips and tricks for you when preparing for the IELTS Speaking test. Remember, consistent practice and targeted preparation will help you feel more confident and perform well in the IELTS Speaking test.

  • Understand the test format and requirements.
  • Expand your vocabulary and learn idiomatic expressions.
  • Practice speaking regularly on various topics.
  • Record and review your speaking practice sessions.
  • Seek feedback from a language partner or teacher.
  • Work on improving fluency, pronunciation, and coherence.
  • Familiarise yourself with common IELTS Speaking topics.
  • Develop strategies for managing time effectively during the test.
  • Stay updated with current affairs and general knowledge.
  • Practice speaking under timed conditions to simulate the test environment.

Having a strong and diverse vocabulary is crucial for success in the IELTS Speaking test. By incorporating idiomatic expressions, phrases, and a wide range of vocabulary into your responses, you can demonstrate your language proficiency and impress the examiner. Additionally, regular practice, both in terms of speaking and expanding your vocabulary, is essential to ensure fluency and coherence in your answers. With consistent effort and preparation, you can enhance your vocabulary skills and effectively express your ideas during the IELTS Speaking test.

To expand your vocabulary for IELTS Speaking, and to clear all your queries consider visiting your nearest IELTS test centres. These centres provide a wealth of information and resources to help you improve your language skills and excel in the speaking section of the exam. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enhance your IELTS preparation.